Timely political satire pointing to the imminent dismantling of the NHS…

In a speech back in May 2011, David Cameron apparently said: ‘It’s because I love the NHS so much that I want to change it. It needs to change to make it work better today and it needs to change to avoid a crisis tomorrow’ (London Evening Standard, 2011). MyDavidCameron website does political satire and published the poster below by  Beau Bo D’Or:



Particularly timely political satire that points to the imminent death (dismantling) of the NHS as an integral part of the welfare state in Britain through vicious funding cuts and ruthless privitisation …when applied to mental health, such a dismantling of the NHS is bound to have devastating effects for the health and lives of people using mental health services and their families.


Campaigners and trade unions urge ‘THE NHS IS NOT FOR SALE ! KEEP THE NHS PUBLIC!’




London Evening Standard (2011) ‘David Cameron: ‘It’s because I love the NHS so much that I want to change it’, 16 May (www.standard.co.uk/news)




  • Dr Ginger ,

    Yes! Contrary to what a lot of people think radical politics stems from a love for something.

    • Dr Ginger ,

      oh sorry i misread that…don’t publish that quote 😛