
‘Statistics are like prisoners…’: confessions of a Psychiatric Drug Ex-Rep

I came across a video focusing on the confessions from a Zyprexa (Olanzapine) Ex-Rep. The ex-rep talks very reflectively – among others- about the rationalisation process he had to undertake in order to be able to promote and sell a psychiatric drug with so serious side effects (rapid weight gain and the associated risk of diabetes being one of them) to clinicians. Read more

“ECT is the best thing that’s ever happened to me”: a service user’s testimony

If psychiatric patients are deemed as having capacity to make decisions, then in this country they cannot be given ECT against their will; but if psychiatric patients  are deemed as not having capacity, then a second opinion doctor can be consulted and people can be given ECT in their ‘best interests’ even if they are opposed to it; a large number of people receiving ECT are detained in hospital under the Mental Health Act 2007 and they are deemed as not having capacity and insight; so they can be given ECT against their will ‘in their best interests’. Read more

What Counts As Valid Evidence/Knowledge In Mental Health?

Yesterday I came across the ‘Voices Matter’ documentary – “Voices Matter” is the first full production to emerge from the Open Paradigm Project, a collective dedicated to heeding the voices and perspectives that accompany the diverse and changing realities we all share. Read more

‘Electroshock- a crime against the spirit’ by Leonard Roy Frank

Today I came across an article by Leonard Roy Frank, a  long-time activist and survivor of electroshock and insulin coma therapy in the USA. Leonard is in his 80s and has a very powerful presence, reminding me of those ascetic, deeply spiritual, long-bearded  and emaciated figures that one is likely to meet in Greek and Russian Orthodox monasteries. Read more