
The Cat’s Tale by Phil Thomas

It was a sunny September afternoon, one of those days that trick you into believing that there will never be another winter. As I stood on the doorstep with the approved social worker and GP, the sun’s warmth beat down on my back. The last place I wanted to be that Friday was doing a mental health act assessment, but the duty social worker had contacted me that morning, and there I was.

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Psychology, Politics, Resistance by Ian Parker

The fourth national meeting of Psychology Politics Resistance (PPR) since the network was founded in 1994 took place in Manchester on Saturday 14th July, Bastille Day. The day marked the strong links that have been established between PPR and Asylum magazine. Read more

Liverpool Dockers Dispute – Better than Prozac: Proof that the Personal IS Political by Pauline Bradley

Part One November 1997:… I am writing as a 35 year old political activist and officially diagnosed lunatic. I’ve tried (generally I’ve been coerced) several `cures’ ranging from the latest wonder drug, to being hospitalised, but the most effective and liberation one has been my involvement in the Liverpool Dockers Dispute. This also happens to be the politically the most important dispute for at least a decade and probably several decades.

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